Friday, February 8, 2013

Benefits of Impact Windows for Energy Efficiency

The two important factors that an individual must take into consideration while deciding on installing or replacing windows are:

  • The degree of thermal efficiency.  
  • The level of protection from high impact objects.
Other important points that you should keep in mind while deciding on your energy-efficient designs are:
  • Methods in which frames are engineered and built.
  • Different kinds of glass used (single or double or triple pane style).
  • Weather stripping.
  • Coating of low emissivity kind upon the glass.
  • Krypton and Argon gases’ presence.

Energy efficient windows have the ability to dramatically reduce the consumption of energy while protecting the owner’s home from the elements. Additionally unwanted noise can also be avoided and reduced by as much as 70%. This efficient drop in energy consumption also delivers many benefits to the environment resulting in reduced emissions of carbon, due to reduction in amount of fossil fuel and coal that will be burnt.